
  • It's A Wrap!

    The school year went by so fast!  Our students and staff enjoyed so many wonderful activities and events. Congratulations to our Division II Champions for Basketball!  It was an exciting first year for our Basketball and Cheer team. Go Tigers!!

    Shout out to our First In Math winners!!  We wish you and your families a safe and fun-filled summer.  See you in September!

    P.S. 144Q
  • Congratulations to our Grade 1 First in Math Team at the 2024 NY Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament

    Congratulations to our P.S. 144 First Grade Team ( Gabriel, Joseph and Trayee) for won the 2024 New York Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament Championship Final in Albany on June 1st! The prize earnings include a trophy, plaque and $5,000. A special thank you to Ms. Kessler who runs our First In Math program for our students.

    P.S. 144Q
  • Guggenheim Art Exhibit Celebrates Grade 3

    Our Third Grade participated in an enrichment program partnering with The Guggenheim Museum this past year.  Our students were instructed by a wonderful artist, Mr. Jeff, who spent each week planning and making their artwork.  Each May, students from partnering schools are chosen to have their piece included in a student exhibit at The Guggenheim Museum.  This year, Jackson from Ms. Spears' class was chosen.  We are so proud of his work as well as his fellow artists from our third grade.  A special shout out to Jackson, Mr. Jeff and of course our generous PA who plans for enrichment programs for our students by raising money from our parents.

    P.S. 144Q
  • Field Day 2024

    Over the past two days, our students in Kindergarten to Grade 5 participated in our Annual Field Day planned by our Phys Ed teachers, Mr. Lazarus and Mr. Savino.  Many wonderful events were planned for students to work together and show team spirit.  We thank our volunteers who worked with our teachers to ensure our students had a great time while being safe!  Our students also enjoyed ice pops sponsored by our PA who always think of the students!

    P.S. 144Q
  • Dr. Blake Visits P.S. 144

    Our District Superintendent, Dr. Blake, visited our school this week.  He visited several classrooms and also met with representatives from our Green Team.  Our Green Team presented a video and discussed many important ways to help our environment. In Thank you, Dr. Blake for visiting our school.  We hope your enjoyed your visit.

    P.S. 144Q
  • Teacher and Staff Appreciation 2024

    We celebrate our Teachers and Staff this week!  Each of them are an important part of P.S. 144.  We are extremely grateful for them everyday.   In collaboration with the administration and the PA,  a themed week is planned with special daily treats.  Take a moment and thank our teachers and staff for the amazing job they do every day for our students and families.                

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    P.S. 144Q
  • Career Day and Carnival at PS 144

    May brings not only sunshine and warmer weather but fun events here at P.S. 144.  On Friday, we held our 31st Annual Career Day for our students.   Over 30 presenters attended and shared their careers or past careers with our students.  Students asked many wonderful questions.  The day ended with a light lunch provided by our PA.  As a thank you, school swag was shared with our presenters.  We thank each of them for sharing their experiences with us.  Maybe one of our students will return and present to students in the future!  On Saturday families enjoyed some carnival fun of bouncy houses, inflatable slides, cotton and popcorn.  We thank Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi, who funded this event for our school community.


    P.S. 144Q
  • March Math Madness

    Math is important!! Math teaches how to do simple calculations that can be used in your everyday life.  Math helps us become better problem- solvers. In P.S. 144 we use math everyday.  
    Pi Day is celebrated every year on the fourteenth of March, since the date written numerically corresponds with the first three digits of π. Students in one of our 4th grade classes were challenged on Pi Day to memorize the digits of Pi.  Congratulations to Olivia B. and Olivia G. for memorizing 100 digits of Pi.  The students celebrated with some PIE! Way to go!!!
    On March 21, some students in Grades 1-5 participated in the First in Math New York Statewide Mathematics Tournament during the day with Ms. Kessler.   The competition focused on the popular 24 game series.  These games test fact fluency, automaticity problem solving, procedural fluency and other critical math skills.  As children practice, the games' simple structure allows learners to engage quickly, seek out higher levels of challenge, and increase confidence in mental math abilities.  Ms. Kessler invites students from kindergarten to Grade 5 on Wednesday mornings to practice under her supervision.  Check your email for the next date. Keep practicing your math skills using First in Math.
    P.S. 144Q
  • Grand Opening of Our Library

    On Wednesday, February 7 we opened our newly renovated library.  Our Councilperson, Lynn Schulman had the esteemed honor of cutting our ribbon.  She is a huge supporter of P.S. 144 and public education for our young people in Forest Hills.  Last year she funded hydroponic kits for many of our students.  Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Hall joined us representing our district office.  She commended the efforts of Mrs. Lucadamo's persistence and grand vision to reopen our library in a bigger and more creative way so our students can appreciate and have access to books.   Teachers and staff from the present and past joined in the celebration. Their love and support for PS 144 continues.   A special thank you for all of the hard work of many people involved in this project.  A love of reading opens the door to adventures and our students will be able to explore!

    P.S. 144Q
  • Open House-Students Entering 3K, PreK, Kindergarten for the School Year 2024-2025

    We are hosting 3 Open Houses for any families with children entering 3K, PreK and/or Kindergarten for the school year 2024-2025. 

    All 3 open houses will cover the same information.

    Open House Dates:

    -December 13th at 6:00 P.M.

    -January 10th at 8:30 A.M.

    -January 17th at 6:00 P.M. 


    P.S. 144Q
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